Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Fever

I am the worst blogger. I can't say that I am any busier than anyone else but yet I seem to let time get past me.  It was a month ago that I was just returning from a Vegas trip with a couple of friends.  We had soo much fun it is probably wise not to do that too often.  The weather is changing and I am actually seeing my bulbs coming up that I have been waiting all fall and winter to see!  Connor is turning 10 in 2 weeks.  My childhood friend Mandy moved to Turkey many months ago and I have yet to call her.  My friend Monica that I met in Texas (who also moved to Utah several years ago) called and I realized it has been about a year ago since we have seen each other only to find out that she is returning to Southern Texas to live.  I had braces put on 15 months ago and just got them off. It seems like everything is passing me by in a blink of an eye.  I remember being a child and thinking that summer break would never come and that Christmas could never make it here soon enough!  Now as an adult Christmas is always here before I know it and Summer has come and gone before I think I have had a chance to enjoy it. I think I had better get things together because if I am not careful time will slip through my fingers and I will be sitting in a rest home reflecting on my life!