Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life cut short and the blessings of struggles

This morning after I sent the kids off to school I got dressed for the gym and went in for a cycling class.  About half way through the class a rush of overwhelming sadness took over me as I thought about my Uncle Kent who's life was cut short last week as he was riding his bike in Arizona. My uncle was a triathlete, marathoner and an avid bike rider.  He was doing what he loved when a drunk driver hit him, took off and left him on the side of the road to die.  Meanwhile his wife was left wondering where he was.  When he was found he had no I.D. on him so he was listed as 'John Doe' until his family put the pieces together and were able to identify him.  We are still waiting for the release of his body so the family can start the healing process.  I have not been in close touch with my uncle or his children since my childhood.  Our cousins were our greatest playmates.  We grew up with countless sleep overs at each other's homes, at Grandparents, and vacations together.  I have so many fond memories of Jenni, Julie, Laura, Uncle Kent, and Aunt Madilee.  I feel the loss as I try to find understanding in this and can only try to understand and grasp a bit of what they might be going through.  So my prayers and thoughts go out to Julie, her kids and Jason, to Jenni and her girls, to Laura and to Cheri, my uncle's wife.
As I was talking to my neighbor about this horrible accident she commented about the year that we have been through.  It has been the hardest year of my life.  With the loss of Shawn's job, a horrible bombshell about my family and family secrets, the loss of a beloved pet, and my uncle's death -to say the least it has not been an easy year.  But I realize that in this year I have found that I am stronger than I have ever known and that there is so much support and love in good neighbors, friends and family.  I have learned the strength, compassion and love of siblings can teach and help heal broken hearts and start the mending.  So to all those that have helped through  support either in a listening ear, prayers, taking kids off our hands, or any other way, Thank you so much.
And thanks to My Heavenly Father that gives us these struggles so that we can grow and learn about our own potential and remind us that there are wonderful people all around us to lift us when we can't do it ourselves.


Tyler and Nicole Anderson said...

Jen, you are such a strong person! We continue to pray for you and your family! I can understand when you say this has been the hardest year, we may not have the same struggles but sometimes it takes everything out of me to get up each morning! I do think you need to change your blog title from "limited inspiration" because you inspire me more than you know! We are so grateful to have you guys as family! Thanks for letting us be a part of your kids lives as it blesses us more than you'll know! We love you guys so much!

Desiree said...


The Quist Family said...

Hi Jen, this is Ashley from up the street. I found your blog through Jamies and I am so sad to hear about your uncle. I am so sorry. We will be praying and thinking about your family. For the short time I've known you, you are incredibly strong and have such a wonderful family and kids. I was so happy to see cute little Sophie walk into primary ALL BY HERSELF and sit right down by her teachers. It made my day!! You are such a great mom. We are thinking of you.